Suggested Base Skills System


New Member
Hello everyone!

After chatting over on Slack with @Cervator in regards to a potential character stats system module (as a parent to my equipment module), we discussed the creation of a base skills system.

Right now, we have the EventualSkills module, which allows for the passive gain of skill experience over time. What I'm proposing is to have a base module (Skills) to provide support for both passive and active training of various skills. Moreover, provide the ability to have bonuses from stuff like Items, Equipment, Food, Potions, Magic, Abilities, other entities, etc. The Skills module will provide a baseline, and other modules can extend from there. This area can be divided into three main categories: Passive, Active, and Modifiers.

What do you folks think about this?


Org Co-Founder & Project Lead
Pinging @Josharias in particular :)

Getting the module architecture right here would be nice since then gameplay template authors can pick and choose as intended. Josharias likes the idea of passive skill gain over time, somebody else might like practiced skill gain. Simply enable both modules to get both options woo!

I'm not entirely sure how complicated the setups would be. For all I know it might all fit in one module and users then just attach appropriate components and add actual skills elsewhere.


Conjurer of Grimoires
Heyo xtariq. In its current form, you can use the EventualSkills module without the "eventual" part. The "eventual" part is separate from the skill tracking part, so you can extend it for any other purpose. There is already a SkillGivingItemComponent which you can tag on to an item that can then be consumed to gain a skill. Take a look at the "SkillBook" in the module to see how to use it.

Probably the only thing missing is a way to completely turn off the "eventual" UI so that another implementation can be used. That will be as easy as adding a UsesTimedSkillsComponent (or something like that) to the player in the gameplay template (so, up in JoshariasSurvival, or a different gameplay template), and then making the appropriate checks in the eventual systems to only use those bits if the player has that component.

All that said, I would be more than happy to house an additional systems or UIs for skill points in the EventualSkills module.