Design Base Stats System


New Member
Hello again everyone!

As a companion to the "Base Skills System", I'm also thinking about developing a potential character stats system module (as a parent to my equipment module). Essentially, it'll store and manage RPG attributes like Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, etc. It will also store modifiers and other similar matters. It's somewhat similar to the RPGSystem module we already have, but better structured.

Modules down the line can use these attributes for combat, skills, or other items of interest. I can also add the capability for custom stats like if someone wants to track "Fire Resistance" or similar.

Here are three examples off the top of my head that could benefit greatly from this module:
  1. Equipment: Suppose you have a set of Bronze armor that you wish to equip. But, you want to apply certain stat restrictions on who can wear it, as well as have more control over its defense boosts. By having a overall stats system, you could apply equipment modifiers to items like defense or speed, as well as provide stat checks. It can also open up certain areas of strategy. For example, choosing between a Bronze Mail and Bronze Breatplate. The former will provide +7 to physical defense and -3 speed, whereas the latter will provide +12 to physical defense and -5 speed.
  2. Combat: Right now, combat is quite constrained in terms of scope. It's basically just hitting targets and applying the base damage against the enemy's health until it expires. There are hooks like the BeforeDamageEvent, but not many base modifiers to how damage is dealt. Combined with the Equipment system, the Stats module can open up many other forms of interesting combat. For example, certain enemies are weak towards physical attacks, while others are weak towards magical attacks. Or better yet, debuffing their offensive or defensive stats.
  3. Herbalism/Cooking: Right now, the scope of these modules is quite limited. The Herbalism module has a very small selection of potions due to the limited number of modifiers present in the engine. Same with food. By providing stats (and skills and equipment), we open up a vast array of potential new potion and food effects that can provide a more interesting gameplay experience.
What do you all think about this?
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New Member
I decided to look at that for my first version of PhysicalStats, but that violates several of our standards and doesn't function properly. So, I decided to work from the ground up.


Org Co-Founder & Project Lead
Yeah the RpgSystem module never really got off the ground. There's also a beginning of a stats system buried in TTA but I'm not sure it was ever completed enough to be hooked into anything (@Marcin Sciesinski would know)