Fun with Scala


Org Co-Founder & Project Lead
Not that we don't have enough to do to also look into adding another JVM language to the mix, but since the topic has come up now and then, and I see sighing about missing operator overloading over in the Spout channels occasionally, I thought I'd put a thread up with an intro linkie :) ... -and-scala

In short: Scala integration would be just like Groovy integration - but while Groovy is pretty much always slow as molasses, Scala gets pretty close to Java performance and as such is decently safe to use in more central locations. Maybe not when dealing with large numbers of basic blocks, but there are probably places where operator overloading, closures, etc might be handy :)

One example where this could be handy - if we end up adding anything to the GroovyConsole that hits performance issues then trying it in Scala (ScalaConsole?) instead might be worth a shot. Very central plugin-type tools likely to involve performance could be made in Scala, leaving the more simple and user-friendly easy mods in plaintext Groovy.