Recent content by dacharya64

  1. dacharya64

    Updates GSOC 2018 -- Light And Shadow

    Blog post: Done: -Particle effects now sync properly in multiplayer, got rid of redundancy -Bases have separate colors/textures for red and black team -Flag drop on attack now lands...
  2. dacharya64

    Updates GSOC 2018 -- Light And Shadow

    Blog post: Done: -Further fixes for the way particles are handled and displayed in multiplayer -Particles now removed properly when player places flag in world -Player skinning on selecting teleporter (adds...
  3. dacharya64

    Updates GSOC 2018 -- Light And Shadow

    Blog post: Done: -Fixed issue with Components not being detectable when entity is held -Score HUD now displays and syncs in client multiplayer -Created particles for red and black team to add to player when flag...
  4. dacharya64

    Updates GSOC 2018 -- Light And Shadow

    Blog post: Done: -Checking if player has flag on scoring now searches inventory, not just checks held item -Code refactoring for clarity and functionality and adding components for checks -Code now supports GOAL_SCORE...
  5. dacharya64

    Updates GSOC 2018 -- Light And Shadow

    Blog post: Done: -Checking if player has flag now searches inventory, not just checks held item -Flag is now reset back in place on score increase or on being picked up by same team as its color -UI improvements (color...
  6. dacharya64

    Updates GSOC 2018 -- Light And Shadow

    Blog: Done: -Made Magic Staff item -Player is given magic staff on teleport to base -Player can `activate` another player to attack them with magic staff -If a player is attacked and holding a flag, this causes the flag to drop To...
  7. dacharya64

    Updates GSOC 2018 -- Light And Shadow

    Blog: Done -ScoreSystem previously discussed now works --Player can pick up enemy flag, then activate their base --If they do so, their team's score increases by one --UI is now bound properly to the score values, and updates when...
  8. dacharya64

    Updates GSOC 2018 -- Light And Shadow

    End of the first evaluation round! Blog post: Done: Score UI .ui file added, and text displays correct score (0) for each team at start of game -ScoreSystem partially completed, should now detect when player is...
  9. dacharya64

    Updates GSOC 2018 -- Light And Shadow

    It's already the end of Week 3! That means a shiny new blog post and update: Done: -Teleporters for choosing teams spawns on FloatingPlatform -Player can now activate teleporter which sets team to team of teleporter, and teleports player to appropriate base -Tested that on team selected...
  10. dacharya64

    Updates GSOC 2018 -- Light And Shadow

    Week 2 is done! Unfortunately as I was working I encountered some weird problems that took a long time to diagnose, so didn't get a chance to test/push everything I was working on for this week yet. Blog post with more details here:
  11. dacharya64

    Updates GSOC 2018 -- Light And Shadow

    First blog post is live! You can read it here: Here's the tl;dr: Done: Created a new world generator that creates a simple, flat world Created the elements needed to spawn a the bases and flags within the...
  12. dacharya64

    Updates GSOC 2018 -- Light And Shadow

    This post/thread will serve as an overview for the Light and Shadow project for Google Summer of Code 2018. Summary: This project extends the current Light and Shadow module by adding a new mode of capture-the-flag gameplay, the goal being a playable minimum viable product (MVP) with the new...
  13. dacharya64

    GSoC Proposal Draft (seeking feedback): Extending “Light and Shadow” Gameplay and Functionality

    Thanks for all the feedback and comments! I worked on simplifying some of my timeline and adding in some buffer weeks to take progress and pacing into account. I've uploaded the final .pdf version of the proposa to the GSoC website, and I'll update the first post on here with all the drafts so...
  14. dacharya64

    Contributor Hi, I'm Devi!

    Yep, doing good! Just got back from a week of GDC, so haven't had time yet to sit down and go over all the comments -- saw that there was a lot of feedback. Thanks for the heads-up!