Recent content by Mehul Ahuja

  1. M

    Contributor Hello Terasology!

    Hey @Cervator ! I have sessional exams starting off Monday so I will be busy until Saturday. I thought I should convey it to you, because I made a PR recently but still I’ll try to work in between :).
  2. M

    Contributor Hello Terasology!

    I really don't know how I did this but somehow I wrote the wrong issue again, I'm working on 3 issues right now and I got confused writing that, really sorry about that. The issue 1619 is about command not working... I fixed this issue and will make a PR today. Its issue 2174 in which the...
  3. M

    Contributor Hello Terasology!

    Oh I'm sorry, its 1619. :P
  4. M

    Contributor Hello Terasology!

    Hey ! @Cervator I was working 1661, and used regex to return whole words rather that using the contain function but now if a user will try to search, lets suppose "fuse", it'll return 0 matches. But there are 2 fuses fuseshort and fuselong and that can be returned only when I use contain...
  5. M

    Contributor Hello Terasology!

    That's a great feeling haha. You're welcome :) . @Cervator What should I do next?
  6. M

    Contributor Hello Terasology!

    Hey there! @Cervator Just fixed the bug and made a pull request :) . The issue was exactly what we were discussing. But I started digging deeper and found another method which was the actual reason.
  7. M

    Contributor Hello Terasology!

    I'll actually have to wait until tomorrow, our college has blocked most of the gaming sites and servers so I'm not even able to compile the code :( . I'll be at home tomorrow so hopefully I'll try it tomorrow itself.
  8. M

    Contributor Hello Terasology!

    Hey again! @Cervator I just wanted a little bit of explanation... I dived in the code and got familiar with the methods for the above issue (#1375). Whenever theres an activity like kicking or joining a gamer 'update()' is called. After 'update' being called in the '', it...
  9. M

    Contributor Hello Terasology!

    Thanks for the reply! @Cervator @Skaldarnar Yeah last summer me and my friends worked on an E-commerce site and my work was to write a RESTful API in PHP using SLIM framework. This is really interesting and has a lot of potential. I actually looked up some apps for inspiration which let you...
  10. M

    Contributor Hello Terasology!

    Name - Mehul Ahuja From - India, doing majors in Computer Engineering(Hons. in Machine Learning and Data Analytics) Skills/tools - Java, Android, C++, C, C#, node.js, Found via - Google Summer of Code Interests - I love gaining knowledge about computers in general, and thats the sole...