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  1. eviltak

    Google Code-In 2017 Recap Thread

    1. Tell us about yourself again! I am eviltak everywhere, on GCI, GitHub and Slack (although gooey-bridge may sometimes use my full name, Arav Singhal). 2. Which task did you enjoy the most? I enjoy working with the Terasology codebase overall - I did and enjoyed a lot of work which did not...
  2. eviltak

    Recap: Google Summer of Code with Terasology (and Google Code In!)

    Ahh, just read the GCI FAQ that the top 10 students by quantity would be considered. I'd have done the easy tasks too if I'd read that carefully before :unsure:
  3. eviltak

    Google Code-In 2016 Recap Thread

    1. Tell us about yourself again! Hi! I'm Arav Singhal, 16 years and a week old, eviltak on GitHub, IRC and everywhere else. 2. Which task did you enjoy the most? I really enjoyed working on #2668 (FlexibleConfig). It was a really good code design and architecture challenge. All tasks I did for...
  4. eviltak

    Config, Context, and Security

    @manu3d Don't worry about dragging me down, it's all in the spirit of open source :) I agree with @Florian that Context objects should be looked up by a Class and not a ResourceUrn or similar type, for the same reason: By using Classes as keys you can let the compiler verify that you always get...