Search results

  1. synopia

    Suggested Acoustic Renderer

    Ok, I talked to a friend of mine, who is working and phd'ing in accoustic research. Wave simulation, like I described in my previous post would not be possible to do in realtime in far future. This is, because the size of the simulation grid cells determine the maximum sound frequency, that can...
  2. synopia

    Project Lombok

    This kind of boilerplate code most commonly occurs in cases, you have data transfer objects - objects, that have many fields and very few or (even better!) no business model related code. They are just data structures. In these cases its really useless to generate getter and setter code at all...
  3. synopia

    Suggested Acoustic Renderer

    Crazily awesome idea!!! I really like that idea, however such sound processing is by far (far far) more complex than rendering our block world. The main problem is, as you already said, the lower speed of sound. So you need to simulate waves for each sound source and the reflections of the...
  4. synopia

    Implementation Behavior Trees

    Almost a year after I posted the last comment here, Ive made some progress :) In fact, I rewrote the whole behavior tree thing. Twice. Basically because I am not really happy with the current implementation. In addition, I have had some bad experiences with developing abstract "frameworks"...
  5. synopia

    Little story about blend files

    Hi, as some of you already know from IRC, I am playing around with blend files (blender saves). This may be totally worthless, but at least I had some exercise with groovy :-) So blend files are somehow interesting. What blender does is just serializing its memory and internal state of all...
  6. synopia

    Must see talks about coding

    Hi, as we developers should always look out on how we can improve our code any further, its a simple, effective and fast way to watch or even attend talks about such topics. Maybe we can collect some here. Here is one, I enjoyed live and just watched it again...
  7. synopia

    Tweaking Core perlin world improvements

    When playing around with my skeletal mesh improvements, I started many many worlds, just to place models, fix issues and restart. So maybe its only a problem for my special case, but I always spawned at sea level and I had to climb up an often really huge mountain until I found some empty space...
  8. synopia

    Implementation Block Picker

    Nice work! I definitivly need this for mob spawning. I think Skaldarnars idea with two fold editor will fit perfectly. First choose the spawner type (orespawn mobs, engine mobs, L&S mobs), then the actual mob to spawn.
  9. synopia

    Request Techne model converter / format support

    Finally, it seems to work :-) I totally thrown away the tcn import stuff - its not needed. Instead, I refactored the SkeletalMesh stuff a bit. Basically, I added a new method to SkeletalMeshDataBuilder, to construct a skeletal bone with a box at specified position and orientation. Now, in...
  10. synopia

    Request Techne model converter / format support

    Made some progress. I built a tcn asset loader, that creates skeletal meshes. Each cube in the tcn gets one bone in the skeletal mesh. In addition there is a simple main method to create md5mesh files from a tcn. Just start TCNSkeletalMeshLoader#main with a tcn file as a program parameter. I...
  11. synopia

    Request Techne model converter / format support

    I got exactly the same model before I realized, to NOT move the cubes back, after rotating them. ;-)
  12. synopia

    Request Techne model converter / format support

    Okays, I looked into this weird tcn stuff and finally got it working using javascript: Press load to get the default ant. In the textarea, you may put the XML of any tcn model (rename the tcn to zip and unpack to get the model.xml). So the format should be...
  13. synopia

    Maintenance FacadeAWT

    I am still not convinced or still does not understand. I think, we are mixing two totally different things: Use AWT instead of LwjGL - this may be nice, although I dont see the use of it (besides having another rendering target to proof, it can be exchanged) A 2D top down viewer For the second...
  14. synopia

    Maintenance FacadeAWT

    I dont really understand the purpose of this. 2d view of the world is nice, I did something similar for minecraft once. It is totally possible to render even big worlds in 2d using AWT/Swing. What I did for the minecraft architect, was to prerender chunks as awt images and reuse them. But...
  15. synopia

    Tweaking Pathfinding

    Update: Refactored several things in Pathfinding module. Now the diagram fits to the code (mostly ;)) Renamed Job to Work. Fits much better. Greatly improved the WorkBoard. It now uses a hierarchical k-mean clustering algorithm to build zones of work (aka cluster). To search for open work, only...
  16. synopia

    Tweaking Pathfinding

    So, first version of the picture is ready ;) I am still working on it - any comments appreciated. Also, its not exactly what currently is implemented. I will refactor some code, to match the picture asap. Currently I am experimenting with a...
  17. synopia

    Tweaking Pathfinding

    I finally managed to get Theta* running. With this modification a path may contain gaps between two points, if there is a direct line of sight (better: line of walk) between the points. As an effect of this, the MoveAlongPath node does not move the minion in single step mode through the path...
  18. synopia

    Saving assets

    For the behavior tree editor I need to save the modified trees somewhere and somehow. After looking into code and some chats on IRC, I came up with the following solution. Just want to talk about its pros and cons. The behavior trees are normal assets. They are serialized into a hierarchical...
  19. synopia

    Implementation Behavior Trees

    While pushing forward L&S, I encountered several issues, that I fixed this weekend: Added icons for jobs, thanks metouto Using Shift while dragging a node creates a copy of the node including all children. Right click on nodes will collapse/expand all children. Select a node and click 'new'...
  20. synopia

    Implementation Light & Shadow

    Finally I tidied up the LAS module. As I said, most of the code was outdated. I also removed all assets from LAS, since they can be found in LASR now. The override mechanism doesnt work out of the box (I did not touched this). Either its a small fix (directory?) or it doesnt work no more ;-)...