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  1. e-aakash

    Health Overhaul - GSoC 2019

    This thread is regarding the Restoration 100 GSoC'19 Project Summary: Extracting Health from the Core module with an additional split between natural (regeneration) and magical (restoration) types of healing. Possible additional refactoring to make a more generic architecture / best practices...
  2. e-aakash

    GSoC Proposal: Health Module

    Hi. I have written GSoC Proposal on pulling out Health logic from Core and making a module for it, with some added extensiblity. Please feel free to provide your valuable feedback
  3. e-aakash

    Contributor Hi, I'm E. Aakash

    Name: E Aakash Social: Github: e-aakash, Discord: e_a, Facebook: 09e.aakash From: I'm from India and am currently studying at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Skills / Tools: Comfortable in C++, python. Familiar (but not pro) in Java. Found via: Found Terasology in list of GSoC...