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  1. raj

    GSoC 2019 - Terasology Launcher 4.0

    Project Overview Terasology uses a desktop launcher to help users manage different game versions and tweak additional settings. The launcher is developed using JavaFX, but the mode of distribution of JavaFX has caused multiple issues for users. This project proposes to enhance the launcher while...
  2. raj

    GSoC 2019 Proposal Draft - Terasology Launcher 4.0

    Hello Terasology members :giggle: I have drafted my first proposal. Please review the proposal and provide me any feedback, so that I can update it accordingly. Here's the link. EDIT: Here's the link to the second draft.
  3. raj

    Source Hello, I'm Raj

    Name: Priyadarshi Raj Social: praj-foss in Github, Priyadarshi Raj in Discord From: India Skills / Tools: Java, Kotlin, UI/UX, JavaFX, Android, Linux, some game dev using libGDX, jME and Godot, and a little bit of web dev(Spring Boot) Found via: GSoC 2019 organizations Interests: Firstly...