The EXE file is created with launch4J.
Features are:
Works with a bundled JRE or searches for newest Sun or IBM JRE / JDK in given version range and type (64-bit or 32-bit).
Opens Java download page if an appropriate Java version cannot be found or a support website in case of an error.
Please, can someone translate some new messages for the next launcher release.
message_error_downloadDirectory=Cannot create or use download directory!
message_noChangeLog=No changes
Please, can someone translate some new messages for the next launcher release.
message_error_downloadDirectory=Cannot create or use download directory!
message_noChangeLog=No changes
I would add an "Off-topic" or similiar to "Community".
And I would move "Long term planning" under "Development" (not "Administrative"). But this is only my suggestion.
What is the intention of "Core Team Discussison"?
I tried 1 or 2 years ago to write an external programm which reads map data (export map data into other formats like JPEG/PNG, Google maps, Minecraft, 3D-printer...).
It was very difficult. But today it should be easier, because you can use features of the 2d facade.
You need to add "-Xms128g -Xmx128g".
Old java versions didn't run, if you don't have enough RAM. I tested it with Java 7 (Windows 64 Bit, Oracle). It was possible to start the JVM, but it begins to reserve memory (about 5 MB per second).
We us this code:
private void populateHeapSize() {
long max = 512;
final OperatingSystemMXBean osBean = ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean();
if (osBean instanceof {
max = ((
I released a new launcher version 1.3.0 some minutes ago.
It contains a russian translation. Thank you, Anthony Kireev (Adeon, small-jeeper)!