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  1. L

    Where we are with World Generation

    Update: Plate age map works now, at least to some extent. It's not perfectly exact, because the ages of plates are reseted every time the surface is segmented into new set of plates. I'll fix this as my next thing! About the age map: darker is older crust, white is freshly solifield lava. :)...
  2. L


    As it states in This is an old fractal terrain generation technique and as such possesses the well known strengths and weaknesses of fractal terrains (which i briefly reviewed in my thesis). The generated terrains are very nice, nonetheless. :)
  3. L


    I'll also post something, especially after being encouraged to do so now. :) So, i was playing with platec again (working on the age map thing) and accidentally this (attached) SUPER cool map popped up (and stupid me didn't take the heightmap dump, just screenshot)! So, i just wanted to share...
  4. L

    Where we are with World Generation

    Well figured! :thumbsup: So at the moment the sediment on oceanic plates is inversely relative to the amount of water at that point. This means that very old and very young locations have most sediment. A better way to do it would be to give locations some kind of counter - the longer it's...
  5. L

    Where we are with World Generation

    Indeed! Shouldn't be a big thing, just need to take a few weekends out for it. Currently i don't have capacity to lift a finger, but before it's too late i'm surely working on this! :) And about this "several heightmaps matched to major geological layers" idea, i'd like to hear more: do you...
  6. L


    Ah, i just looked at the Terasology git and saw not the commented pieces. Yes, seems very similiar - too bad it didn't work out. :( I was so excited about it. :D Oh well... Great work Nym, anyhow, the heat map looks gorgeous! :)
  7. L


    I've been thinking that approach for a long time. Multiply the map edges by four or eight and fill in the gaps with a diamond-square algorithm. Never got it implemented, because my diamond-square is too hardcoded to generate maps with very little or no initial reference (height) points...
  8. L


    I want to comment on the climate thing: like you said in that gDoc, doing the calculations of the temperature & humidity maps from the final map might just be an overkill. I also think that after Java receives the raw heightmap from PlaTec, all other maps should be calculated from it and then...
  9. L


    :thumbsup: Splendid work, Sir! You might also be aware that Immortius has been able to run the (native) PlaTec simulation on Windows through JNI from Java. Did you use it already or you rendered just the "dumped" heightmap?
  10. L


    Attached is a 512*512 heightmap of floats and a picture of what the map is supposed to look like. It has some really high mountains, flat plains and really steep "cliffs" so it's a perfect test subject for developing a rendering algorithm that can turn all those "artifacts" into playable...
  11. L


    Well.. We could try tracking crust age in three dimensions instead of just two: it'd take about a month to implement, at least triple the memory usage and probably do the same timewise. All ideas are more than welcome! :) But to get some visible progress quickly, i'd like to suggest that i...
  12. L


    Firstly, i checked out DF geological layers here. I must admit that the guys have done marvelous job and that it's not TOO difficult to get things rolling - although i haven't looked at any other "more into depth" documentation on it. Basically, as far as i've understood, they've split the...
  13. L


    Indeed that is a good point. There is an upper bound to the amount of memory allocated by the simulation depending on map size and number of plates. Running time affects the probability of ever reaching that maximum. Some example values are listed in the thesis. However, in practice the problem...
  14. L


    Hey all! This is a really neat project! So is the idea of incorporating plate tectonics into this great 3D sandbox. :) I've been thinking about what the OP wrote and i think that before we reach 2013 it is possible to have a C library that the Java program calls for tectonics based terrain...