Pre-alpha release 60 is now out. 59 was actually released about two weeks ago but didn't make it past GitHub's release section as I was on vacation and then promptly got sick. Along with that our next release may well be a major one, switching to Alpha at the game-level and v1.0.0 for just the engine 
First for the current release - change notes combined for 59 and 60:
Special shoutout to @msteiger for plowing through an amazing amount of code over the last few weeks, seemingly all over the place - engine, modules, extensions like the WorldViewer, our TeraMath library, and so on. In particular his work is laying the foundation for actual gameplay in Light & Shadow, such as new dialogues and range-based interaction with NPCs as visible in the following video.
(Note that some of those changes are not live yet unless you run from the latest source)
As for the major release we're not at all saying Terasology is ready, nor really is the engine. There are still plenty of bugs to fix and features to add. Some objectives at a glance:
The issues list for v1.0.0 is on GitHub and contains a ton of stuff, mostly that's for review with only a small part expected to be completed with actual serious work attached. A lot of documentation is needed too, maybe more than anything else.
As I keep catching up (and getting less sick) I'll be poking some people and doing some more organizing.
First for the current release - change notes combined for 59 and 60:
- Behavior (tree) assets made available for modules
- Improvements to the module list auto-updating and downloading transitive dependencies (if you enable module A that depends on module B both will be downloaded automatically)
- Tweaks for internationalization
- UI validation for player name
- Include symbols in our font lineup
- Assorted UI improvements
- Load existing worlds with the correct game time
- Improvements to chunk loading on clients (send the chunks sooner - clients should see world faster)
- Improvements to facets and ordering in world gen
- Update to gestalt 5.0.1
- Various other bug fixes and crash hardening
- New modules included in lineup: Tasks & QuestExamples
- Fix for City World (used in the default Light & Shadow gameplay template) crashing during world gen
- Default spawn mechanic now creates a nice plateau for the player to begin on, no more ravines!
- Assorted fixes on the join server screen (avoids crashes and makes it easier to add custom entries)
- Non-existing music assets should no longer crash the game
- Replaces final old usages of Vector2i (in favor of our TeraMath lib)
- Tweaks at player targeting
- Player settings now contain your choice of language
Special shoutout to @msteiger for plowing through an amazing amount of code over the last few weeks, seemingly all over the place - engine, modules, extensions like the WorldViewer, our TeraMath library, and so on. In particular his work is laying the foundation for actual gameplay in Light & Shadow, such as new dialogues and range-based interaction with NPCs as visible in the following video.
(Note that some of those changes are not live yet unless you run from the latest source)
As for the major release we're not at all saying Terasology is ready, nor really is the engine. There are still plenty of bugs to fix and features to add. Some objectives at a glance:
- Declare our intent to follow Semantic Versioning formally (pre-v1.0.0 its guidelines are looser) and maintain a v1.#.# release for a substantial amount of time without causing backwards compatibility issues. This helps provide stability for content developers
- Clarify release numbering and "reset" to an "Alpha release 1" that just so happens to contain engine v1.0.0. Future Alpha releases may include a newer engine version and/or new module releases
- Actually start release tracking modules, which should make it a lot easier to do release notes including what changed beyond the engine
- Accept that we really have been alpha-ready for some time now and need to just tear off that band-aid already then come out from the shadows
The issues list for v1.0.0 is on GitHub and contains a ton of stuff, mostly that's for review with only a small part expected to be completed with actual serious work attached. A lot of documentation is needed too, maybe more than anything else.
As I keep catching up (and getting less sick) I'll be poking some people and doing some more organizing.