Suggested Automatically list summary of module contents


When added modules, there should be a button on the side that'll display all added items/blocks/meshes, and their stats. Right next to this button some text by the author should be displayed, in case the author needs to tell you something important before viewing it. (compatibility list, or warning you that'll ruin the surprise of the mod). Perhaps there is another text file made by the author that contains tags, for better sorting and searching. The module overview program would be pretty simple. It would simple search the item/mesh/block/ect folders, and if they exist, apply the textures to said object. For items and the likes, it'll also search for the prefab file to display stats.


Org Co-Founder & Project Lead
Moved to suggestions forum and renamed a bit :)

I think being able to automatically list some stats about a module calculated from its contents is a cool idea. There should be a way for module authors to block the display though by declaring the contents secret somehow, probably a simple flag in module.txt

Marcin Sciesinski

Code ALL the Ages!
I'm not sure how viable this might be. Block/item might not have all the information it needs to be displayed due to the fact that prefab that is associated with it might just be a stub that needs multiple other components added or even modified the tiles when the block is "constructed" in game. The same thing applies for blocks that are used to display a multi-block structure, these do not exist in separation from the rest, etc.