Cats suck ;-)


Org Co-Founder & Project Lead
So I've mentioned here and there that me and my wife foster cats. Lots of them. Like a dozen plus change, mainly in a dedicated room in the back, so there's plenty of space, it all works, and so on.

We also hosted a birthday party for a friend last Sunday. No way those two could interact in some fashion to backfire, right? :D

It isn't a party till three people are bleeding. Yay!

Somebody left a door open briefly, long enough for a couple "special" cats to get out. One sauntered right back in, other one not so much. Weird mixture of "The world is scary!" and "But there might be new places to hide!" So she got all of five feet from her point of exit till she dug in.

Still didn't quite cooperate with getting back inside tho. See earlier note about three people bleeding, mainly me. Wee!

I'm not new to scratches or even bites, so didn't think much of it. It took no less than four days of incremental healing and getting better till suddenly infection set in. Huzzah. Yesterday sucked and I could barely sleep, going in for quick review and likely antibiotics in a couple hours.

So right in time for the nice spacious weekend and new interesting stuff hitting GitHub I've now got an impaired hand. At least it isn't too bad some of the time while on ibuprofen. Dunno how long it'll take to heal - alas :)

So yeah. Cats suck! Still more interesting than dogs, nobody ever said "interesting" had to be a good thing ;)


Org Co-Founder & Project Lead
In a somewhat ironic twist the antibiotic I was prescribed for this today is the exact same thing that we most commonly have to medicate cats with - the action of which is one of the most likely reasons to be scratched or bitten in the first place ;)


Active Member
I am reading your post and rolling in the floor laughing so hard I am not sure I will make the bathroom in time Cervator :laugh:

I did not be come a cat lover till I was married to someone who picked up every stray cat she fell in love with or every one-eyed cat at the shelter :cool: she knew that would be killed if "she" did not bring it home to save it's life ;)

and now we have 10 (well, at last count if she has not planted a new one that I don't know about yet :? )that roam around our house just out of reach but close enough to go just where you are going to walk and test if you will fall on your face to save them from being stepped on (of course you can count on them to lick your face if you did fall to bring you back to life :laugh: if they did not have to lick a unnamed part of their body first :roll: )

and over the years maybe 15 (this does not count the 2 outside cats and one (was two ) dogs that are outside all the time) or so have passed through our home to die of old age and make it to the happy mouse hunting cemetery in the back 40 acres of our property (and I have the funny feeling that I might end up there also :roll: )

Some day we will have to get together and tell cat stories .... like the cat we have that we think is cross eyed :eek:

Well, Cervator thanks for bringing me a smile right before I go to bed and I hope your hand recovers (remember ... if mama is happy everyone is happy .... if mama is unhappy ... well, we will not go into that begla might read this and I think he might have a girlfriend and we would not like to scare him to bad about married life now would we :twisted: