Documentation created: Events and Systems


Org Co-Founder & Project Lead
Nicely done! Amusingly I just asked you on GitHub to help document inventory stuff, then I find this great page :D

In the spirit of that request perhaps we should re-title this and the wiki page to plain "Events" and move this thread to Core Projects for any further discussion? I figure Systems, Entities, Priorities, etc could get their own pages and threads. A single higher level Entity System Overview page/thread would be great too. Not asking you for all of them, just thinking out loud ;)

Other comments:
  • If events that are sent via the server usually end with "Request" should we make that a convention or something?
  • Links to other related pages would be great, like one to explain priorities better. Of course some of these pages may not exist yet ..
  • Under "Consumable events" maybe explain the concept of cancelling events more? Not sure if you intended that section to cover it or consider that worthy of its own section
  • There is a draft page in the wiki for ES architecture @Jtsessions was working on a while ago but didn't get finalized. It has a section on events - maybe something to review for any useful tidbits to grab so we can discard that part / shrink it to a small reference to the events page? Not sure how out of date that draft has become though ...