Intro Heyho from Ghostbrainz


New Member
  • Name: Ghostbrainz
  • Social: same on GitHub & Minecraft ;)
  • From: Germany/Austria (Studying there)
  • Skills / Tools: Java
  • Found via: GSOC
  • Interests: I am very interested in enhancing the genome system, since I am currently studying Biology and Applied Computer Sciences and I'd very much like to combine those two. I always liked Genetics the most of all the topics in biology, so when I read about this idea I found it to be the perfect match for my interests.:)
  • Extra: OMG there are MLP smileys to choose from :omg:


Org Co-Founder & Project Lead
Welcome! Sounds like a good fit on the biology angle. Hop on IRC sometime the Genome topic and related bits get a fair bit of discussion time now and then :)

Grab a source workspace, add the Genome module and a few others, and ask questions!


Development Lead
Hallo und herzlich Willkommen :)

Biology and Applied Computer Science seems an interesting combination to me. That's "doing biology with help by computers", or is it "doing computer stuff with biology"? I attended a lecture on molecular computations during my studies, but that's all I can say about this :D


New Member
No its actually a BSc in Biology and a BEng in Applied Computer Science... I'm just doing both :D
Sadly there's nothing that overlaps so I have to do the complete 180 ECTS in both studies...
I am currently in the 4th of 6 semesters Biology and have more or less 2 of CS, but i started with it later... This semester my class schedule doesn't allow me to take any CS classes though... :(