Suggested Javadoc HTML for Modding API only


Active Member
Jenkins is currently creating HTML JavaDoc for everything:

I wonder who and under what circumstances is actually using that online html version to get help. Imho the biggest use of JavaDoc is in IDE tooltips.

I guess that the most important part of it is the modding API that (new) module developers need. So my suggestion is to cut back the large amount of auto-generated JavaDoc to those classes that are relevant for module development.

Once we have that, we could focus on improving the quality of that to make it as easy as possible to get sound and complete javadoc for module development.

What do you guys think of that?


Org Co-Founder & Project Lead
The javadoc is being generated during the build so it gets shipped to Artifactory and bundled with dependencies fetched from there. Publishing it in Jenkins is just one additional checkbox - I don't expect anything is using it there or will anytime soon, but it is there already anyway so I thought might as well keep the checkbox checked :)

I do believe we need a cut down portion specific to the modding API. I figured we could eventually develop a process that goes through generated Javadoc and cuts out everything not marked with @API or something like that, then link to that version as our official modding API docs. Easier to parse through and exclude than selectively generate I imagine? Or even leave the full javadoc published but generate a highlight list to serve as the modding API entry points.