Suggested Simplified Cave-In Module


New Member
The idea here is to make things like cave-ins and other physics collapse events more interactive and messy for the player, while simplifying the amount of actual physics work needed.

New Component: Rubble
- Physics objects with this component are spawned during cave in events, inheriting values from the original blocks (so a stone block will spawn stone block rubble)
- Physics objects with this component inherit the textures of the parent block, but have a "pile of rocks" shaped model that merges with the surrounding rubble when settled.

Configurable Options:
- Chance: Likelihood of a cave-in per block-break
- Support: Reduce likelihood by this for each other block touching the targeted block
- Radius: How many nearby blocks should also break (spawning rubble) during a cave-in?
- Density: How many Rubble blocks should be created per broken block?

Example of use:

Player breaks a Stone block in the ceiling of a tunnel. The Cave-In effect triggers, causing the block and the closest 3 around it to all break together, raining 8 Stone Rubble physics objects on the player. The objects settle, becoming Stone blocks with %50 of the original blocks health (as each block was split in two).

Feel free to add to this! Just a passing feature idea.