Sound now working


Active Member
Well, after messing around with everything else today trying to get this to work and that to work (with MUCH help from some really devoted friends here at Terasology ;) THANK YOU ALL!!!)

I downloaded the new offering @ terasology [Jenkins] and I am playing along and I realize when I walk I hear me walk and when I ax a tree I hear the ax. :eek: :shock: Yes, it does sound as if I am in a echo chamber but you know I really don't care right now because I HAVE SOUND !!!!

Now that might not be much to most of you but to me it is a step froward and helps me not be so flustered at not being able to do what I was hoping to do to help out around here and then again I feel so bad that I take up so much time of others that could be using there time to do other things besides helping me :oops: :oops: :oops:

But all in all hearing sound today is a + 4 me :)