Tested around a bit with
nh_99 on IRC. Game works when started with "gradlew run" but despite a "gradlew idea" creating a valid project structure that can be opened in IntelliJ, and even show the modules in bold, hasCode = false for all modules.
In looking at the startup logging vs. what I get on my system stuff I noticed includes:
The encoded space probably doesn't matter, we tried plain C:\Terasology too. But "classes" vs. "out" differs.
Parsing produces slightly fewer items on his system vs. mine too:
nh_99 said:
16:05:27.605 [main] INFO org.reflections.Reflections:205 - Reflections took 9633 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 198 keys and 920 values
16:05:27.928 [main] INFO org.terasology.logic.mod.ModManager:146 - Discovered mod: Books and Bookcases (hasCode = false)
Cervator said:

7:16.946 [main] INFO org.reflections.Reflections:205 - Reflections took 399 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 212 keys and 976 values

7:16.981 [main] INFO org.terasology.logic.mod.ModManager:146 - Discovered mod: Books and Bookcases (hasCode = true)
Last big difference is my side scanning module URLs and finding things,
nh_99 instead getting a ton of deserialization errors on all the module objects are are invoked on a normal run (which doesn't crash the game, just leaves none of it working)
Immortius /
mkalb / somebody - might need to ask for some ideas