PreFiX and thanks for the report! Apologies for my late reply, I'm on vacation overseas and not finding a lot of time to check here
This looks like it relates to
issue 495 - at least I can find the same snippet in your log output as that one
GeForce 6150SE nForce 430
may also be a tad old, along with the rest of your system. The reason the multiplayer branch works is that it is behind the develop branch a fair bit and some graphic tweaks were made there (by
begla ?) where the lowest detail setting triggers something some systems can't handle. Unsure if that's because we've got non-essential graphic features enabled on the lowest setting or if we increased the minimum requirements.
If you have a little time to spend and want to help narrow this down you could check out the
recent develop builds and figure out what build contains the code that breaks the game on your system. You might want to try somewhere around
build #400, can't be much longer back than that. That would be very helpful