Intro Well, another introduction :)


New Member
Hi, I'm Ege! I'm from Turkey and I am also participating to GCI. I am a maker and I worked in 3D modeling, 3D printing, Arduino, and PIC programming for 3 years. I was just wondering if Minecraft has an open-source alternative that I can experiment with, and Terasology was really nice.
I worked with Bukkit plugins before, so I hope developing for Terasology is similar. :D I would like to work on the Launcher, and if I can study enough procedural generator, I would like to try to create a new world generator.
My Github account is I didn't really use Github or Git before, so I don't have anything in there. Still, I think I'll improve myself this month.


Development Lead
Any help for the launcher is highly appreciated! There might be some more tasks popping up in this area the next days, so keep your eyes open ;)