Name: Worldly Tooltip
Summary: Shows players what they are looking at
Current Goal: Fix layout to deal with multiple lines of extra data
Curator: Josharias
Compatibility: Singleplayer, Multiplayer
2014-09-30 update idea list
Summary: Shows players what they are looking at
Current Goal: Fix layout to deal with multiple lines of extra data
Curator: Josharias
Compatibility: Singleplayer, Multiplayer

Surface entity information into the tooltip. Things like: how full is the chest, is the furnace almost done, how much health is left...Enhance the tool tips with graphics, e.g., show the icon for items, texture for blocks.Maybe even interface elements can be displayed (thermometer for furnaces, progress indicators, ...)- Tool tips integrate closely in the 3D environment. Instead of showing them at a fixed position on screen they could be floating in the world - similar to overhead player tags.
- A key to trigger the visibility and/or settings to configure the tool tips. With a key stroke the user can choose whether s/he wants to see (a) no tool tips, (b) tool tips only after a delay of 1s, or (c) always and direct tool tips. The settings could include the configuration of tool tip range (e.g. for objects within 10 blocks) and objects (e.g. only usable items).
- Highlighting of the entity the player is looking at. This may become useful when multi-block structures should be inspected.
2014-09-30 update idea list
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