Recent content by Dliu

  1. Dliu

    Intro Hello from the white north

    Hi again @Cervator, I have uploaded a proposal draft on GSOC through shared google docs. The 3.0.0 release works well on my machine with both the launcher and source. Very nice game I must say! I honestly did not expect this level of polished downloading and launching for the end user. I...
  2. Dliu

    Intro Hello from the white north

    Name: Dennis"dliu"Liu Social: dliu1995 From: Vancouver, studying in Montreal, Canada Skills / Tools: Java, C++, Unity3D, Unity for Oculus DK2, DIY HMD, Mediated reality system(haptic floors, stereoscopic projections, feet position tracking) Found via: GSOC Interests: Updating VR to support...