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  1. ererbe

    Question to Github

    I changed 5 files (the and the jsons for shield in core) and now i saw this: ### Pre Pull Request Checklist: - [ ] Code has been scanned with [SonarLint]( I installed intellij IDEA (because sonar lint is for this... I saw the price and didnt...
  2. ererbe

    Some Ideas and Questions

    Sry if I am annoying... :( First: Ideas I cant do because im a beginner in programming and totally new in java. A way to have more save files / more save slots (3 or so) Random Backgrounds (pick a random at the start of the game)( I have many nice space backgrounds (some drawed, some...
  3. ererbe

    Ideas for this textures?

    I dont now, there is missing something... something important.... weapons: (Do you want to see the textures for the new planet I trying to add? most are modified versions of other textures of the game... and the other miss something too...)
  4. ererbe

    How to add new Planets?

    I have the textures, (based on the desert textures) and decoration textures (and a new ship for this planet). but, how to add a planet to the game? I already tryed stuff,but I'm a beginner. I have crash logs and maybe screens if you want. (or any code) (would be nice if you can help me, i...