Intro Hello everyone!

Jordan Grelling

New Member
Hey everyone,

I'm Jordan Grelling (also known as jordang512 and µFerret), a high school senior joining through Google Code-In.

Past experience:
I've taken two different CS classes, and I've coded image analysis and stl generation software for a few science projects. I've also done a couple of CTF competitions, but I never coded for those (I was usually in charge of crypto or web vulerabilities). I generally enjoy the really mathy part of coding, and really like learning about stuff like Perlin noise and 3d rendering, though granted, I've never put any of that to use. Oh, and I guess I've done some stuff with PID control for line-following robots and some back-end stl generation stuff.
Here's a link to me on github:
I want to work on some stuff with fractal noise, learn some more about 3d graphics and front-end stuff, and get to meet cool people through the code in. I joined Terasology because a friend of mine was here first and vouched for how nice all of you were and told me about the premise and how easy it is to mod.

Random details:
I really enjoy Latin club (salve, si leges, gelidissimus es), running cross country, and playing Dungeons and Dragons. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only nerd here though :). My favorite book is a toss up between The Martian and LOTR (though there are a lot of others that come close); my favorite webcomics are Order of the Stick, xkcd, and Stand Still Stay Silent; my favorite words are perigee-syzygy (supermoon), vituperate (insult) and sesquipidalian (excessively wordy).

Anyways, I'm looking forward to getting to work with everyone here!


Org Co-Founder & Project Lead
Oh we were just talking on IRC and here's your intro! Welcome, officially! :D

Mathy stuff is good for coding. And latin club? Neat. As part of world gen over in the Throughout the Ages module serious we had the workings of a procedural plant system that would shuffle the appearance of plants around per world, as well as letting you breed new species, with some thoughts of mangling together some latin to name it all ... :)

World gen can be great fun and we need more features for sure, hope to see your sandstone arches working ASAP! :geek: :coffee: