Current State:
The generator Laurimann wrote is functioning with Windows and Linux now. Also Esereja made some progress with noise functions. I implemented a basic heigthmap terraingeneration and some humidity, climatesimulation.
What are the goals we have to achieve:
- Currently with one pixel per chunk we end up with a map with 8 km edgesize, not really enough...
- tied to the above: making the map wrap around the edges.
I would say this is one of the important tasks. To be honest, I didn't fully understand the LocalChunkProvider completely... With minor tweaks the generators should be able to handle vertical chunks already. As the world position of the blocks in the chunks is defining the evaluation of the noises this should already be functioning. Only problem is to determine where the actual surface is when working with 3d noise. There the rawdata from the heigthmap could be vital (+ maybe some 2d noises on top).
Going further:
- climate zones
see ya
The generator Laurimann wrote is functioning with Windows and Linux now. Also Esereja made some progress with noise functions. I implemented a basic heigthmap terraingeneration and some humidity, climatesimulation.
What are the goals we have to achieve:
- Currently with one pixel per chunk we end up with a map with 8 km edgesize, not really enough...
Maybe it's enough to just change the bilinear interpolation to a bicubic one, stretch it out to something like edgesize 128km (see this GDoc for initial calculations) and let the noise take care of the rest. I'm gonna look into this hopefully next week
- tied to the above: making the map wrap around the edges.
I think this sould be as easy as writing a modulo operation to the right positions on the Chunk provider. I wouldn't really care about player coordinates not getting reset - it's not very likely that a player cycles around our world some more times.
And if we happen to have a fast travel system we can there reset the coords to the initial range.
- integration of lauris hm generator into Terasology.I think this can be declared low priority, we can read text files with the heigthmap data. Nevertheless it would be cool to have a nice ingame gui setting the parameters and watch the earth move
- vertical chunksI would say this is one of the important tasks. To be honest, I didn't fully understand the LocalChunkProvider completely... With minor tweaks the generators should be able to handle vertical chunks already. As the world position of the blocks in the chunks is defining the evaluation of the noises this should already be functioning. Only problem is to determine where the actual surface is when working with 3d noise. There the rawdata from the heigthmap could be vital (+ maybe some 2d noises on top).
So the biggest obstacle to take is to tell the chunkprovider to load chunks underneath the player when he comes near them. Any ideas?
Going further:
- climate zones
And tied to this: choosing wich block we need. Totally awesome would be a central methode like getBlock(bool toplayer, float temperature, float humidity, float pressure, ....) which gets all the information the coordinate has and returns the fitting block. This would get rid of all the ifthenelse things all generators have atm and unify it.
Probably awesome but imho not technically possible: procedrally generated blocks. For example I call the getBlock methode and it determines that this block is some sandy earth, maybe 40-60 sand, earth 40 percent humid. Then it mixes the texture out of the sand and earth texture. When mined we have some drop probabilities included. Unfortunately this would mash every sparsechunk architecture and need much more memory to save it once created.
Taking it one step back it shouldn't be much of a problem (I hope, dunno exactly how) to kindo copy/extend the system minecraft has where the grass texture is changed with the biome type. So just make a visual distinction and not in its function.
- also related to the above one: ore distributionNothing really to say here, we're not even starting out on this
But we have a whole freaking lot of ores already there - waiting to be distributed
- procedural city placement/looking for good spotsLike the above one, ecept Skaldarnar has some promising first results with the procedural architecture
ok, this were basically the ideas i'd like to have discussed with you. I'm eager to your responses.see ya