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  1. Perdemot

    WIP Player/NPCs models

    I would like to see more details on them:/ they look so plain and maybe too simple.
  2. Perdemot

    Archived Poll: Artistic style

    I still want to vote for 1048 px textures :3 512 is not enough :/
  3. Perdemot

    WIP Player/NPCs models

    What do you guys think about the cartonish drawing approach of "The walking dead" i really like their textures. And I wonderd if it wouldn't be a good idea to take similar textures for our creatures. They would be 2 times as big as the ones we use atm. but it would look better (at least i think)...
  4. Perdemot

    Archived leaving the art lead

    if there would be a sad tag I would mark my self as sad now :( But I understand your feelings. I would also prefer an original approach for the creatures etc. but I still see a way to accomplish an game filled with original art content.
  5. Perdemot

    Archived art meeting

    since one of my friends has her birthday on sunday and the party starts on saturday. Rather not :/ I might tell glasz my feelings and thoughts so he can speak for me as well :) we mostly have the same opinion.
  6. Perdemot

    Archived art meeting

    I would prefer tomorrow or even today in the evening. I'm quite busy on Saturday
  7. Perdemot

    user helfen user

    Du solltest in die Liste mit Konsolen befehlen gucken. wenn du in die Konsole "help blockList" eintippst erhällst du eine Liste mit allen Block ids die kannst du dir dann mit "giveBlock <ID>" geben. Das beste ist du liest dir mal das Wiki durch :)
  8. Perdemot

    TerasologyLauncher -

    x3ro Because I use it and the plugins I mentioned earlier to him only work for eclipse.
  9. Perdemot

    TerasologyLauncher -

    You need something like visual studio for java. The popular two IDEs are Eclipse and Intelj (or something like that) I would recommend you to use Eclipse Indigo. Here is a list of free resources for java:
  10. Perdemot

    TerasologyLauncher -

    Visual Basic is a good beginner language you can get things done quite fast. But if you want to really help with your launcher or provide a launcher that has future you need to do it in java :/
  11. Perdemot

    TerasologyLauncher -

    you could look at this here:
  12. Perdemot

    TerasologyLauncher -

    you can learn it :) it's not to far away form c++
  13. Perdemot

    Height Limit

    if we would make pillars wouldn't the temperature change depending how high a block is placed in the it? Because of this i would give just the lower part of the pillar the temperature and humidity settings, so the game can calculate how it would be in higher regions.
  14. Perdemot


    nice work. I already love the "steam punky" culture :D
  15. Perdemot

    Archived Adjustable time, real time

    I like the real time idea. Reminds me of the good old MMO times :3
  16. Perdemot

    TerasologyLauncher -

    I'm kind of missing features that would make a Launcher useful. I would prefer a update function over a simple download function. At the moment it's just a little tool to run an application. However it has future if you continue the development and add features that make it more useful. I...
  17. Perdemot

    Inactive Steam GreenLight

    They need to try it then they will see that we are even better ;)
  18. Perdemot

    Inactive Steam GreenLight

    also I don't think it is very useful :/
  19. Perdemot

    Let's Play Lizenz!

    Soweit ich weiß ist das nur in Amerika der Fall :)
  20. Perdemot

    Archived Best Idea Ever!!!

    In fall there is WarZ coming which is a better hopefully not buggy DayZ. And then I hope the new Zombie Survival Hype is over and everything goes back to normal.