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  1. GoldenDragon

    Archived Villages and AI

    I think that the characters in the starting village should sell basic items and be known as the village where you (the player character) have grown up. You can make tasks like quests, but more simple: this will not give you any experiance points or items or something, this is only text that a...
  2. GoldenDragon

    WIP models / concept art / creature system

    When you're done with the characters, you can look here for AI ideas:
  3. GoldenDragon

    World Theme and Backstory

    Read this: What do you think?
  4. GoldenDragon

    Archived Villages and AI

    Hello! Here's some ideas for the game. 1: There should be a random generated village at the players first spawn location. This would be good if there is some sort of story. This story should be some NPCs giving you quests/tasks and then reward you with another quest that will continue the story...