Search results

  1. Rostyslav Zatserkovnyi

    Team Hello, world!

    @msteiger: thanks for the info! (The GitHub trick in particular is quite useful) Looks like the main engine module is actually a ClasspathModule with metadata stored in an external file (snippet) - IMO this approach is somewhat better than scanning for modules as it helps avoid additional...
  2. Rostyslav Zatserkovnyi

    Team Hello, world!

    I've been having some issues integrating gestalt into Destination Sol. Currently I'm switching the setup from from classpath modules (metadata is declared programmatically within Java) to directory modules (metadata is located at a file in the root folder). The file is detected just...
  3. Rostyslav Zatserkovnyi

    Looking into Issue #2058, Need a little kickstart

    Hi there! @Florian 's answer sums this up pretty well - just going to add my two cents. Anyone who can help me understand NUI(what is its full form?) The NUI thread has a pretty good high-level description of the framework, as well as some documentation further down: Principles, Skinning...
  4. Rostyslav Zatserkovnyi

    Team Hello, world!

    @msteiger - how would I deploy on a local Jetty instance to test out changes? More specifically, is there a way to clone the PostgreSQL database used by the game to get a nice data sample? (Sorry if you're already seen this on Slack)
  5. Rostyslav Zatserkovnyi

    Archived Launcher background: to blur or not to blur

    I would either use the non-blurred version of this screenshot or a blurred screenshot of a more "normal"-looking generated world. (Mostly because the floating islands in the upper left look really odd when blurred)
  6. Rostyslav Zatserkovnyi

    Weekend hackathon! Celebrate GSOC deadline passing and our v1.0.0 future!

    Day 1 progress update: Created a generalized block detector module at (ETA: now moved to the Terasology organisation, see below). The module designates a detector item and a set of associated detectable blocks. It then scans all the blocks within a set...
  7. Rostyslav Zatserkovnyi

    Weekend hackathon! Celebrate GSOC deadline passing and our v1.0.0 future!

    Alright then, dibs on my own easter egg detector idea! Although I wonder if this can be reworked into an arbitrary block detector.
  8. Rostyslav Zatserkovnyi

    Implementation NUI Editor

    Yep - this definitely needed an update to keep up with the proposal :geek:
  9. Rostyslav Zatserkovnyi

    Team Hello, world!

    Progress update: I've created a proposal draft with a defined feature set for the NUI editor - and a module thread describing these in detail over at Would be interested in hearing the mentors' thoughts about the...
  10. Rostyslav Zatserkovnyi

    Implementation NUI Editor

    BELATED EDIT: The project is now released! Check out the final report at Name: NUI Editor Summary: An in-game editor for the New User Interface framework. Current Goal: Finish work on the core features (see...
  11. Rostyslav Zatserkovnyi

    Project ES refactoring and random playing with OpenGL

    Question from an end-user perspective: the generated trees appear to be not quite voxely - can they be interacted with just like normal Minecraft/Terasology trees? (Partially removing trunks/leaves, building on them etc.)
  12. Rostyslav Zatserkovnyi

    Team Hello, world!

    As briefly mentioned in the IRC meeting, I've made a list of dependencies that need to be resolved to extract NUI into a standalone library! (Link) Would really appreciate hearing @Immortius 's thoughts about this, especially concerning some of the small but frequently utilized dependencies...
  13. Rostyslav Zatserkovnyi

    Team Hello, world!

    Progress update: the decoupled NUI now has a repository - and some scaffolding - set up over at! Also, I've been looking into gestalt integration with Destination Sol some more. @Florian : is ContextImpl OK to copy and use as a lightweight dependency...
  14. Rostyslav Zatserkovnyi

    Team Hello, world!

    Progress update: now started working on extracting NUI to Gestalt! A prerequisite for that, however, would be to extract (the generic parts of) org.terasology.input - it's widely used in NUI (particularly and qualifies as a core component that can be reused between games. Also, some...
  15. Rostyslav Zatserkovnyi

    Team Hello, world!

    That sounds like a great warmup project! I've checked out the nui code and it looks quite generalized as-is (some components have Terasology dependencies but those can be refactored into concrete implementations of abstract classes in Gestalt). Gonna look into this some more when I'm finished...
  16. Rostyslav Zatserkovnyi

    Team Hello, world!

    After looking through the project list, I think I'd like to work on #849 (Standalone NUI editor + optional support for fancy touchscreen gestures) and #1487 (Preview image for save games) in particular. In fact, I think it may be feasible to work on both of them (with #849 being a priority) -...
  17. Rostyslav Zatserkovnyi

    Team Hello, world!

    Name: Rostyslav Zatserkovnyi. Social: GitHub: rzats; email: click me to mailto! From: L'viv, Ukraine. Skills / Tools: Java (using IntelliJ/Eclipse), C++, C# (an internship's worth of experience), HTML/CSS/JS/webdev stuff. I'm also familiar with Git/Github and some of their - sillier -...