Search results

  1. Omar Verduga

    Intro Hello everyone (GSoC-Behavior Trees)

    Hi, everyone, some quick details about me Name: Omar Verduga Social: Twitter: @omar13x From: I'm from Mexico , but I'm doing a PhD in London (Cognitive Science, but my backgrounds are in Computer Sciences.) Skills / Tools: Before doing my MSc I had 3-year experience using java for web ...
  2. Omar Verduga

    Source Hello, GSoC Introduction

    Yes, Behavior trees have gained a lot of attention in the Game AI community the last years. And yes, I ran the game from source last night, now I'm focusing my effort on create some kind of module after checking the project and codebase structure. I think that probably I'll be tackling some...
  3. Omar Verduga

    Source Hello, GSoC Introduction

    Name: Omar Verduga From: Mexico Skills / Tools: I have professional game experience with C++ and C# programming, as well as server side programming with Java (I'm even certified in the 1.4 version). Now in my PhD, first year. I have also some experience in javascript, php and python as well...
  4. Omar Verduga

    Came for the GSOC, stayed for the BT's

    Came for the GSOC, stayed for the BT's