dei said:
Why enlarge the player? We would have to dig bigger shafts for it and without machine-gun

. IMHO this would be more a thing for a mod/game-mode than for core and wouldn't solve the jump issue which for me is a rather big funkiller in MC.
Presumably if we make the player larger relative to blocks (or the blocks smaller -- same difference), we would reduce the time it takes to excavate blocks proportionately, so the player wouldn't need to spend more time to dig the same sized tunnel (relative to the player's own size)
Immortius said:
A 50% increase in player height, taking it from ~2 blocks to ~3 blocks. With a presumed increase in width to a bit over a block, unless we have a tall-thin player race. Reasonably manageable. Doors would be a bit interesting (they'ld probably need to be 2x3), but still achievable.
I wouldn't make the player wider than 1 block, so to mine you could have 1 block wide tunnels, rather than being forced to chop out twice as much. While this would be thinner than MC players, it is actually closer to real, average human proportions.
A 2/3rds m door is kinda narrow, at least by US standards, but not absurdly so. My fairly average-sized body can fit through such a door. I'd recommend keeping single-block wide doors. And allowing the player to build double doors (as in minecraft: two doors hinged on opposite sides of the doorframe that meet in the middle) if they want something wider.
To take off on a little tangent, it would be cool if doors could be built of an arbitrary number of door blocks (or at least a larger number). Any doors on the same vertical space would open/close together. So you could build short little "doggy" doors, or double player hight grand palace doors from the same block.
Immortius said:
Should be noted this results in a bit over 3x memory required for a portion the same effective sized as a current portion of the world
Sorry, you are right-- my original math was wrong.
Immortius said:
Having all blocks as half blocks doubles required memory due to needing twice the blocks for the same effective height. And unlike keeping blocks square, would require a lot of things to be multiblocks.
Maybe. But it wouldn't require multi-block mine cart tracks, which probably means half-hight blocks vs 2/3rd size blocks are about equal in that respect.
Immortius said:
The big problem with halving blocks just on the vertical is it only helps for low-gradient parts of the world. A 45 degree slope would still be unpassable as you would have double-stack of blocks followed by double-stacks. Keeping to square blocks of a steppable height and 45 degree slopes can be climbed.
In reality, a 45º slope is pretty difficult to walk up (depending of course on what it is made out of, and weather there are hand-holds). I don't think it is a bad thing if they are harder to navigate, though likely the player will still be able to hop up that far.
Immortius said:
Of course, if we don't bother extending the size of the world with a change it doesn't result in extra memory usage - which may be possible in the 2/3rd block size case.
With a 2/3rd block world we may be able to reduce movement speed to ~ 2/3rds. So an island with the same number of blocks will feel just as big -- it still takes 2 mins to walk from one end to the other-- even though it is by linear measure (if the player took the trouble of counting blocks, which is unlikely) 2/3rds as long.
And in the case of a half-hight block world, you can have worlds of the same size, for the same memory, if you limit the hight to 128 meters, rather than the 256 meters as it is currently. (unless you have some clever way to make big empty areas of sky take up less memory)