Lots of things going on, would be another way to put it.
- GSOC has started properly, yay! 9 students going full speed and blog posts are already popping up. See its sub-forum for details
- The big Alpha 10 / engine v2 release is targeted for the beginning of June, even if it won't necessarily be the most stable thing ever. But it has to go already! Biggest outstanding piece remains the block family PR, which will be merged as-is tomorrow but could use some more associated module fixes and a placement fix
- There is a new roadmap in Trello covering possibilities for the v3 (and v4!) engine, current GSOC projects, other unscheduled things, past releases, and so on. It is an experiment that also includes better organizing volunteers, feedback appreciated in its thread
- To help get organized with the major goals for v3 there is an architecture meeting in just shy of 10 hours from now
- The idea of a GSOC-like Destination Sol community project is still alive and will be related to the architecture meeting for some of the pieces that matter to both games / might see some organizing later in the day
- Our next play test will be in two weeks on Saturday June 2nd and will be either using the Alpha 10 release or a release candidate (RC) for final testing
- One of these days when I run out of forum posts to write and things to review I will find time to play with Google Cloud Platform and Kubernetes enough to convert over our entire infrastructure to that, I swear
If that's the kind of topic that excites you, let me know!