Update! I've mentioned here and there that
aherber sadly retired from the project some time ago, probably from the usual RL reasons that you cannot quite escape on an all-volunteer project, oh well
Before leaving he tried to merge in the latest code, but the differences were vast (combat branch split from develop a loooong time ago) and some stuff broke. And the merged version replaced the working pre-merge version so we didn't have a working version
nh_99 to the rescue! I had looked around some for a pre-merge version and couldn't find one, but through quirky caching on old entries on GitHub nh_99 did find one! It is disconnected from the rest of the source tree now, but I pushed his find to MovingBlocks so we have a safe version for reference to review for a new version.
It is over here. Many thanks
nh_99 !
The pre-merge version is very old but you can run it from source (don't forget to "gradlew idea" it as libs/setup differs, also delete any game data as it'll clash). The goodie chest you start with has three different bows where the arrows act differently - described previously in this thread. I like shooting the ones that drop with distance straight up in the air, then watch them come back down in a rain of arrows
SuperSnark - try it out, just run it from source. Enable portals too and get some gelcubes running around, the arrows will kill them and trigger a funny "death animation" although they keep bouncing even after death, just in-place
nh_99 is going to look at it some more and see if we can get it working with the latest code