Functionality works and feels great! Well done
I think the keys will end up the most controversial. Double tap sounds tricky and is probably out. The unrelated modifier for run/walk by default on caps lock has always been in an awkward spot, and was once upon a time moved away from 'r' which seemed an oddly valuable key to burn on it.
So thinking overall on the keys involved (including walk/run as similar):
- hold shift to reverse the walk/run default (which at present is to run by default, as in you don't need to hold shift to run in the first place)
- toggle caps lock to switch the walk/run default - not a fan of this, it messes with text (like old school mmo numlook auto-run). Probably move this.
- we lack auto-move which might eventually need a key
- proposed: hold ctrl to temporarily crouch (could be a bit more like shift and simply reverse the default - if you crouch toggle then press ctrl you stand up but do not return to a crouch when you release ctrl)
- proposed: toggle c to switch the crouch default permanently (which by default is to not crouch)
- possibly pending: prone key hold
- possibly pending: prone key toggle
- conflicting: toggle c to open Character Screen (in the Equipment module)
That's a lot of keys, especially if they all need to be in the
hot zone near WASD.
Purely from a personal perspective (not forcing this on the project) I'm a fan of holding
ctrl to crouch, using
z to toggle prone (the rare time I might be playing an FPS), and opening a char screen with
c. I'm also likely at the project level to eagerly save open keys in the hot zone (we seem to have
f, and
v still open) for future purposes like they're precious potions in a game then I then never end up actually using
I'd like if we simply pick a single button for each function (crouch, prone, auto-move) then offer a modifier of some sort on a secondary key. I don't think there's much of a use case to have
both keys separately available (one to crouch temp, one to crouch permanently) just there are some that prefer one or the other.
The secondary key could match a mode also configurable in the input options, much like other games like Elite Dangerous that offer Continuous / Toggle variants and such for different functions. We just have to pick a decent default then let the player vary the key, the secondary key, and the mode as they see fit.
The secondary key could be somewhat out of the way since you won't need it often. I wonder if we could actually use a combo key rather than a regular one and end up with something like
- CTRL = crouch key. Default mode: Hold. Secondary key for switching mode: ALT-C
- Should the secondary switch CTRL between hold/toggle or switch default stance between crouch/not crouch, leaving CTRL to reverse?
- Edit: Default could be Toggle instead, for consistency / preference. Hold is just my personal familiarity sneaking through again
- z = prone key. Default mode: Toggle. Secondary key for switching mode: ALT-Z
- r = auto-move (usually "auto-run" but really you could also have auto-walk..). Default mode: run. Secondary key for switching walk/run: ALT-R (old caps lock)
Benefit there is gaining all the desired options via in-world hot keys, without taking up a "full" key for each. We give up only
CTRL and
z for crouch/prone, and avoid
caps lock being weird. I'm really not sure though. Just wanting to move the conversation forward to consider more options
I could be talked into giving up on
CTRL entirely in favor of a more consistent
c and
ALT-C moving the character screen somewhere else. But
CTRL is crouch by default in many settings, in particularly in MC (although really more of a sneak/don't fall off things there?) - no perfect option.
Drawback: We don't actually seem to support modifier keys in the input bindings at present. Whoops. Will submit an issue for that. I suggest
temporarily moving the
c crouch variant to
x until we decide, just so the Equipment module conflict won't be an issue (any Omega zip version of the game will fail to set
c as Equipment for whatever reason gets it first). Could merge in that case and worry about prone, consistent modifier keys, auto move, etc later