
Sorry I took so long to answer, we've been working on another project :/
All our docs are in this folder:
The reports we are writing are being made according to the pdf with the class structure we've sent you in the beggining of the year. We've been mostly producing them by checking out Terasology's code, the already existant documentation, Jenkins, by trying out the game, and, of course, with the help you've been providing us in this thread
In their current state, I doubt they could be used as documentation for Terasology. However, with some modifications I believe some information can definitely be useful to your Github, specially the Software Architecture report. Just tell us what you think that is useful (with the suggestions that you deem appropriate in order to make it more technically correct, if needed) and we can edit the reports to suit your needs.
Regarding the issue, I've been thinking about the best way to do it considering the several suggestions, and, in my opinion, it all goes down to whether or not the Esc key should be considered as a valid input choice. I've checked some games I have and most seem to actually use the Esc key for unbinding/bind cancelling. However, I still have my reservations on doing it this way, since I don't really like the idea of removing a key from the bindable keys, specially a key that, in some games, is used as the menu key. The suggestion of right clicking on the button seems interesting, but, in my opinion, may get confusing for the user. My favourite approach continues to be the model dialog. Since everyone seems to have a different opinion, perhaps you didn't mind making the choice here?