Alright, both Immortius' Entity System and the latest round of GUI improvements from Anton are now in develop. Some smaller tweaks are pending, but essentially milestone 3 - persistence - is complete! We can save, browse, and load worlds, both the player and assorted entities also persist (even chests, yay!). You can't directly move things in the inventory yet, but indirectly via a chest you can shuffle stuff around. And tons of more stuff I'll list more accurately when I do a fancy change summary. Huzzah! Thanks for all the efforts 
After I get a chance to review and update some more stuff (mainly ponder doc for I'll push to Master and stick a fork in it. After that I'd like for us to complete the directory restructure documented in real quick - it shouldn't be too bad, but I'd like to make sure we have agreement on the details so we won't need to worry about that topic again for a long time. We needed a quiet period for that to minimize branch disruption, and we look to have a chance now. I'm figuring a soft code freeze to simply encourage no crazy deep branches for that would be an idea. By all means keep going, but be wary of the impending restructuring - you might need to redo your workspace or move stuff stuff around manually
Anybody want to volunteer for that - Immortius perhaps?
Otherwise I'll look at it more closely soon 
We can discuss the exact directory lineup details in the ticket.
Other small things that are pending right now that I'm aware of - any of these are optional for the milestone but could possibly be figured out before we merge to master:
* Applet appears to be broke again
I'm not even sure when or why, and am getting a nervous twitch from realizing I probably can't blame Kai this time
*** Update: Appears to just be me
* ES - no entity save on gotoWorld, talked to Immortius about this one already and it probably shouldn't even count as an issue since using gotoWorld in the console is a debugging activity anyway (more background in which is closed now)
* ES - gelcubes can cause crash on exit (I think Immortius mentioned the reason for this somewhere already, dunno if easy fix)
* ES - Immortius has some more stuff pending in a branch - might be good to submit in time for the Master push, but I don't know for sure
*** Update: Merged
* Spawning - need to do more suitability checking on player start position (may spawn in cave, on top of trees, or underwater) - this is pretty easy so if somebody want to whack it real quick feel free, otherwise we can spin it a quick item for later
* LWJGL - I tried upgrading to the latest version to fix a Mac issue, but it needs code tweaks, might be minor, but not sure (viewtopic.php?f=5&t=258)
*** Update: Better upgrade commit with code fix from Immortius merged in
* UI / ES - we might need some sort of doc primer on this new stuff, tho I'm sure those uninvolved can figure it out with a little effort
* Respawning no worky, Anton pointed out it was commented out in UIPauseMenu after I noticed the button didn't work. Not really sure why
*** Update: Fixed by Immortius
* Manifest files need to actually be stored inside the individual world save dirs (I moved them to the root of SAVED_WORLDS ages ago as I couldn't retrieve the individual world dir before chunks started to generate - should be different now, especially with the world browser)
*** Update: Minor tweak applied so the new world selector and the chunk performance test get along better (chunk test creates a world save dir that doesn't comply to the new world selector)
* Tools - a few haven't been rewritten yet. I'll be tinkering with at least some of this (debug tool / portals) when I get a chance.
A few assorted backing details are hanging out over in the now-closed pull request for Anton's GUI stuff: ... nt-5083727
This might also be a good time to go through the issue tracker and look for other stuff we've finished. This is on my list - but it is 1 am and I have to go to work tomorrow
After I get a chance to review and update some more stuff (mainly ponder doc for I'll push to Master and stick a fork in it. After that I'd like for us to complete the directory restructure documented in real quick - it shouldn't be too bad, but I'd like to make sure we have agreement on the details so we won't need to worry about that topic again for a long time. We needed a quiet period for that to minimize branch disruption, and we look to have a chance now. I'm figuring a soft code freeze to simply encourage no crazy deep branches for that would be an idea. By all means keep going, but be wary of the impending restructuring - you might need to redo your workspace or move stuff stuff around manually
Anybody want to volunteer for that - Immortius perhaps?
We can discuss the exact directory lineup details in the ticket.
Other small things that are pending right now that I'm aware of - any of these are optional for the milestone but could possibly be figured out before we merge to master:
* Applet appears to be broke again
*** Update: Appears to just be me
* ES - no entity save on gotoWorld, talked to Immortius about this one already and it probably shouldn't even count as an issue since using gotoWorld in the console is a debugging activity anyway (more background in which is closed now)
* ES - gelcubes can cause crash on exit (I think Immortius mentioned the reason for this somewhere already, dunno if easy fix)
* ES - Immortius has some more stuff pending in a branch - might be good to submit in time for the Master push, but I don't know for sure
*** Update: Merged
* Spawning - need to do more suitability checking on player start position (may spawn in cave, on top of trees, or underwater) - this is pretty easy so if somebody want to whack it real quick feel free, otherwise we can spin it a quick item for later
* LWJGL - I tried upgrading to the latest version to fix a Mac issue, but it needs code tweaks, might be minor, but not sure (viewtopic.php?f=5&t=258)
*** Update: Better upgrade commit with code fix from Immortius merged in
* UI / ES - we might need some sort of doc primer on this new stuff, tho I'm sure those uninvolved can figure it out with a little effort
* Respawning no worky, Anton pointed out it was commented out in UIPauseMenu after I noticed the button didn't work. Not really sure why
*** Update: Fixed by Immortius
* Manifest files need to actually be stored inside the individual world save dirs (I moved them to the root of SAVED_WORLDS ages ago as I couldn't retrieve the individual world dir before chunks started to generate - should be different now, especially with the world browser)
*** Update: Minor tweak applied so the new world selector and the chunk performance test get along better (chunk test creates a world save dir that doesn't comply to the new world selector)
* Tools - a few haven't been rewritten yet. I'll be tinkering with at least some of this (debug tool / portals) when I get a chance.
A few assorted backing details are hanging out over in the now-closed pull request for Anton's GUI stuff: ... nt-5083727
This might also be a good time to go through the issue tracker and look for other stuff we've finished. This is on my list - but it is 1 am and I have to go to work tomorrow