I've already talked with most of you guys on Discord. Sorry for a late introduction post
- Name: Tejas Tank [majordwarf]
- Social: @majordwarf on Github, Facebook and Twitter
- From: I'm from Mumbai, India
- Skills / Tools: I've worked with C++, Python, mostly with NodeJS and Web Development. Have started to explore Java. I've a good amount of experience in Motion Graphics, UI/UX and GFX
- Found via: Found via GSoC 2018
- Interests: I love MMORPGS and sandbox games, designing UI, researching about User Experience and Web development. Have started to gain interest in native development. Regarding Terasology I've my interest in NUI, new game play template and modules. I'm eager to contribute and learn more about game development.
- Extra: I'm a first year student currently pursuing Computer Science with little or no knowledge of Open Source. With Terasology I'm hoping to expand my knowledge about Open Source and game development. I've completed Hacktoberfest 2018 and learned a lot during that event and looking forward to learn MOAR!