New Member
Hello everyone;
I think it'd be really cool to work on something like this, and I hope that the limitations of my academic experience can be overcome somewhat. I'm decent with Java and Ruby, have worked with Python in very limited scope, am familiar with SQL, am comfortable with github and git's basic features (push/pull/commits/resets/cloning/forking/merging) and am willing to learn about anything I may be missing.
I've never worked with anything involving graphics like this either (besides basic GUIs). I'm eager to learn and eager to help; Do you think that my skillset would be useful to you guys and that I'd be able to contribute?
Thanks so much!
- Name: Joseph Sessions
- Social: Jtsessions
- From: USA
- Skills / Tools: I enumerate those in greater depth below, but Java, Ruby, Python, SQL, git/github, eclipse
- Found via: Github - I was looking for open source games.
- Interests: I love gaming; Minecraft and dwarf fortress are both games that I'm majorly interested in and have had great fun playing! I'd be happy working on anything here; I just want to help out and learn a thing or two in the process.
- Extra: Look out below!
I think it'd be really cool to work on something like this, and I hope that the limitations of my academic experience can be overcome somewhat. I'm decent with Java and Ruby, have worked with Python in very limited scope, am familiar with SQL, am comfortable with github and git's basic features (push/pull/commits/resets/cloning/forking/merging) and am willing to learn about anything I may be missing.
I've never worked with anything involving graphics like this either (besides basic GUIs). I'm eager to learn and eager to help; Do you think that my skillset would be useful to you guys and that I'd be able to contribute?
Thanks so much!