On our Mac laptop typing the help command in the console has no result. TS says it can't find the help.json file (nor the error.json file). Here is the error message:
Might be a mac thing? Tried copying the data folder to a few places that might be considered the "." location on a Mac (Users/<my-user-name>/System, just plain old System) but this did not help. Perhaps "." finds the "current working directory" on Windows but does not on the Mac? Maybe there is another way to get at the program directory in Java?
Typing giveBlock and giveItem does work. Typing help blockList does not work (same error).
org.terasology.rendering.gui.menus.UIDebugConsole processConsoleString
INFO: .\data\console\help.json (No such file or directory)
java.io.FileNotFoundException: .\data\console\error.json (No such file or directory)
Typing giveBlock and giveItem does work. Typing help blockList does not work (same error).