Intro Hey, I'm Bruce


New Member
  • Name: Bruce Zou
  • Social: Github:
  • From: Ohio, US. Going to college in New Hampshire, US
  • Skills / Tools: Java, Python, HTML/CSS
  • Found via: Google Summer of Code
  • Interests: I used to be an avid Modded Minecraft player, so when I found Terasology, I was really interested. For Terasology, I browsed through the GSOC projects and I'd like to work on either Genome Interactions or the organic growth simulator.
  • Extra: I'm new to this whole open-source thing, so I might need some guidance and help. I'm also not really sure what to do next after reading the project information, so any suggestions on next steps and how to start contributing would be appreciated. :)


Org Co-Founder & Project Lead
Hey Bruce! Nice to meet you, sorry for taking a little while to reply :)

Coincidentally I just replied in another thread earlier that might also apply to you for an interest in Genome-related stuff: - that includes a suggested workspace setup to start looking at the related stuff.

Growth simulator is an older item with less recent stuff of relevance. But again coincidentally I replied to another student with similar interests including some details on that.

In other words it helps to look around and read as much stuff as you can. You'll end up running into relevant stuff sooner or later :D

Going through the tutorials should also help. Try for instance or

Finally when in doubt it helps to hop on chat - IRC and Discord are both easy to join!