- Name: _Darragh Clarke_
- Social: _https://github.com/DarraghClarke , my git would be where i would be post any coding stuff _
- From: _I'm from North-Western Éire (ireland) a area called County Donegal_
- Skills / Tools: I am Studying Com Sci in Uni , I have Decent Java skills (currently working on a course project to recreate cluedo(or clue as americans call it) in java_
- Found via: _GSOC_
- Interests: _I was an avid Minecraft player for many years and i'm interested in taking some of my fond memories from those years and expanding the game mechanics in Terasology to broaden the user experience_
- Extra: _Thats all for now , excited to dive into some code though_
Link to my proposal here:
All feedback greatly appreciated
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