Contributor Hi! I'm Héricles


New Member
  • Name: Héricles Emanuel or Pickle
  • Social: @hericlesme on (GitHub, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Behance)
  • From: Brazil (BR)
  • Skills / Tools:
    • Programming Languages (most skilled): Java, Python, JavaScript
    • Areas: Web Full Stack Development, UI/UX Design, Data Science
    • Frameworks and Tools (most frequently used):
      • Dev Tools: ReactJS, AngularJS, Git, CSS, Flutter, React Native, PyTorch, pandas...
      • Design Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD...
    • Extra: I have experience with other tools and programming languages and I am available to discuss and use them if necessary.
  • Found via: Mentor recommendation, GSOC 2019
  • Interests: Firstly, I'm passionate about open source and programming since my first contact. I've played a lot of Minecraft as a child (haha) and I think the project is very cool for putting together three things that I really like. In addition, I hope that contributing to the project can be a good opportunity to grow and learn both technical and interpersonal skills and maybe even be accepted into the GSoC.
  • Extra: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Year 2. Open Source Enthusiast.