- Name: Stefania 'Stefania Mak' Makrygiannaki
- Social:
- From: Thessaloniki, Greece
- Skills / Tools:
- Computer Science:
- Good knowledge: C#, Java, C++, JavaScript, CSS, HTML
- Basic knowledge: SQL, Python, PHP, Android, Vuforia, Assembly
- Design
- UI/UX Design
- 3D Modeling - Blender
- 2D Graphics: Artwork, Animation
- Adobe - Photoshop, Lightroom, XD
- Extras: Photography & Video Editing
- Computer Science:
- Found via: GSoC 2019!
- Interests: My dream job is developing games, in every aspect of it. I am particularly interested in enhancing the UI/UX design of the Terasology launcher and in-game HUD (Heads-Up Display), but also provide graphics and work on the MovingBlocks/Terasology: Issue #2476 and MovingBlocks/Terasology: Issue #2239 issues.
- Extra: I'd really like to contribute to the organization as a GSoC 2020 student! Thus, along with my introduction, I would like to ask if it is possible for someone to review my proposal. If it is possible, please tell me where shall I provide it, is it best through the GSoC site to share my Draft Google Docs link with the organization? Thank you!