- Name: Miroslav "Shade254" Matocha
- Social:
Github (As I worked on commercial projects, there are mostly old stuff(2y+) and trials to be seen)
- From: Czech Republic. Currently studying in Prague
- Skills / Tools: I had started with C and robotics (I still own and use Arduino and RPi ). Then on high school I learned myself Java - SE first, then Android, EE as last. After high school I had worked in a great company in my hometown. People there guided me through all important steps of sofware development as is using git on larger projects, testing, SOAP, REST, etc. I had been working there for almost two years, did two big projects: media-dispatcher, EET service for eshops(ask for more if interested). Concrete technologies which I used were: Java, Maven, OSGi(ServiceMix), ActiveMQ, Jersey, and more. I also attend Open Informatics programme on CTU which gave me that backbone of computer science theory. Yeah and also forced me to work with multiple languages from C/C++ through Python to such enormities(for me) as are Scheme and Haskell. Which made me unconcerned about language and taught me to learn new paradigms very quickly (coz deadlines).
- Found via: Ashamed that I had learned about this just few days back because of GSoC
- Interests: So the thing that caught my eye most was that idea from GSoC Ideas about introducing Android frontend to ServerFacade which gianlucanitti did last year. I thought about creating pleasant to use mobile app written in Kotlin. My intention is of course to learn myself more from this wonderful language, also with Kotlin Native future ports to IOS or so will be more doable, as interface is basically the only thing which will need to be changed. But I am open to almost any work at this project.
- Extra: I like cats, music and Red Dwarf. I also got into crypto development while ago as a hobby.
I run Terasology with serverFacade from here on loacalhost docker. I followed posts from last year.
1) I don't know if it's just me or http://utility.terasology.org:8000/ does not work (not a big problem though - frontend is also hosted on Github )
2) If I attempt to install any mode from web utility I got error screen (attached). Docker logs shows successful modules fetching and nothing suspicious afterwards. Same issue with PUT method called from Postman. I get
"message": "Module dependency resolution failed."
3) As I launch game through launcher I can see "localhost" perfectly in "Join Game". But If I try to connect to it, Terasology crashes. Did I do something wrong or did I discover a bug?
My concrete proposal is in work. In the meantime I will be happy to dig more into any of these issues, although I will appreciate guidance about which to choose and how to approach. If these issues don't belong to this thread I am sorry (pfff first timers), I will be happy to repost somewhere relevant (like github i suppose).
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