How to build modules


New Member
I couldn't find a guide anywhere on how to build existing modules. I think I've figured it out, this is what I've got so far:
  1. Download the Terasology source code, following the developers guide.
  2. If you forked, switch the branch to 'Master' so you are using the stable version.
  3. Make sure the core game works ok
  4. Go to a modules repository in Github (e.g. SimpleWater), and click 'Clone in Desktop' or 'Download ZIP'.
  5. Put the module source code folder in the Terasology/modules folder.
  6. Copy and paste 'build.gradle' from Core into the folder of the module you just downloaded.
  7. Open a command prompt, go to the terasology folder and enter 'gradlew idea'
  8. Open up intelliJ IDEA and the modules you've downloaded should appear in bold
  9. You might have to go to file... project structure... and choose a project SDK (e.g. Java 1.8)
  10. Run the game and check the module is working. If you used SimpleWater then you should see water move if you dig next to it.
Is there a better way of doing it?


Active Member
Nice writeup! If this document is up to date (section "Downloading the Source of a Module") it might be as simple as running:
gradlew fetchModule<moduleName1> ... fetchModule<moduleNameN>
and then
gradlew idea
from command line. It's good to have a backup procedure if this one doesn't work though!


New Member
Whoops I missed that whole contributing section in the wiki, the only page I really read was the dev setup page. Anyway I'll go read the whole wiki now sorry about that :)


Development Lead
No problem @Deuteros, it just once agains shows that we should give the wiki a bit more love :) Especially, link the contributing section and dev setup pages :rolleyes: