Dupe Huge view distance without the lag


Playing on short view distance doesn't look that nice. Would this possibly increase the fps compared to playing on a large view distance if the following were implemented (as an option):
  1. All unnecessary shaders (including smooth/hard shading) would be removed after a small distance from the player
  2. All textures would be removed from the blocks at a farther distance, (but replaced with the average color of the texture)
  3. If this would increase performance, blocks would be grouped into 2x2 large blocks at a very far distance
  4. To make everything above less noticeable, the old Terasology-Style "distance blur" (As I call it) would be implemented (Where the farther an object is, the more it is blurred)
If this was implemented as a setting (And if it actually would be more efficient at rendering far geometry) then the legally blind render distance would still look quiet nice in the distance. Rather than white sky when you look in the distance, you would see the blurred mountains. Then on a mega render distance (Probably for screenshots) you could essentially see to the horizon.

The idea of this is that if you use a distance blur, you can only render shadeless, blocky geometry, yet make it look nice since it is hidden beneath the blur. What do you think?


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