Ian Brobin
New Member
- Name: Ian Brobin
- Social: Github:https://github.com/ianbrobin. Also, my website is http://brobinfamily.com/
- From: Colorado
- Skills / Tools:Programming for about 7 years, only light stuff early on. Have about 3 years experience in Java. Knowledgeable, but have less experience in, Java Script, C, PHP, and MySQL. Up to CalcIII/Linear Algebra knowledge in math.
- Found via:Google Summer of Code.
- Interests: Math, coding challenges. I am hoping to contributing to the Advanced organic growth simulator or the Exploration world.
- Extra: This will be my first time working a large open source project like this. I find the structure of the code very interesting. I have my local code running on IntelliJ, and I am working toward being able to submit some pull requests!