Gautam Naik
New Member
- Name : [/b[] "Gautam 'Gautam' Naik"
[*] Social : Github name is MasterGN, IRC: Gautam. Facebook name: Gautam Naik
[*] From : India
[*] Skills / Tools: [b/] I've worked with Swift, and a little bit of Python.
[*] Found via: A good friend
[*] Interests: I liked playing Minecraft, and this game is similar to it. I enjoy coding, even though I'm still a beginner.
[*] Extra: I would've loved doing more tasks, but it's too late, because I can't claim a task after today.
A small feature I'd like to see in Terasology: If one is able to develop his/her own character and customize it according to his appearance, it would be nice. (just a suggestion)