Question Link to beginner's Help, please

Bill Curran

New Member
I got installation issues resoved, thank you for that. You've been prompt and helpful. Now it's time to play.

Though an experience computer user (windows), I am entirely new to gaming. Never had the time to just play. I am frustrated with my inability to find anything on the very basics of play. I've managed W, S, A, D, and Spacebar, mouse "steering" and click to hit - and that's it! Please provide a link to beginner's info. I also suggest that such a link ought to be prominent on you home page and even in the program. It may be there but I can't seem to find it.


Hi Bill!

Yes, I found it hard to start out too, since the game is still under heavy development, there aren't very many tutorials on it. What I found helpful for my first try was this youtube video: